Getting Started

In this guide, we want to show you how you can easily integrate BigBone into your project. Simply follow the steps below.

Adding BigBone to Your Project

BigBone consists of two main modules:

  1. bigbone which exposes the Mastodon API endpoints as handy methods usable via a MastodonClient
  2. bigbone-rx which adds a thin RxJava3 layer around the bigbone module

If your application does not require reactive functionality, you can omit the bigbone-rx dependency in the following steps. BigBone uses RxJava for implementing the reactive part. Check out their website to get more information.

Gradle (Groovy DSL)

Instructions for adding BigBone 2.0.0-SNAPSHOT to your Gradle project (using Groovy DSL):


repositories {
    maven {
        url ""


dependencies {
    implementation "social.bigbone:bigbone:2.0.0-SNAPSHOT"
    // Optional, if you want to use the BigBone RxJava3 wrappers
    implementation "social.bigbone:bigbone-rx:2.0.0-SNAPSHOT"

Gradle (Kotlin DSL)

Instructions for adding BigBone 2.0.0-SNAPSHOT to your Gradle project (using Kotlin DSL):


repositories {
    maven {
        url = uri("")


dependencies {
    // Optional, if you want to use the BigBone RxJava3 wrappers


Instructions for adding BigBone 2.0.0-SNAPSHOT to your Maven project:


        <name>Maven Central Snapshot Repository</name>



        <!-- Optional, if you want to use the BigBone RxJava3 wrappers -->